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Article Writing Questions for You

Pretend for a brief moment that you are an article. Not a physical but a storied one. You can be a force more powerful than anything in the world if you share it.

Why would anyone care about you and your story of being an article? Maybe you know good ways to get along with others and have a lot of knowledge about it. You could tell others about it and share with them what you know in your oral article.

Another way to share your article is to write it down. This way it does not go away the minute you are done saying it. You have to be careful here though. A written article could last forever and it will have your name and reputation on it.

What if someone reads your written article, 50 years from now, and learns how to get along better with others? What if he or she becomes a country leader and a planet wide influence, for the better? Your article can be more influential and a building influence now.

What if one man stops beating the hell out of his wife because his father, before him, did the same thing because he read your article and learned to let his shoulders come down, relax and behave? How would that make you feel?

What if a dictator stopped concentrating on wiping out freedom or religions other than his own and learned to build and help others rather that live on selfish greed and destroy others for reasons he or she does not understand themselves? Would your writing be worth the effort now?

What if a brilliant scientist had an obnoxious personality and lots of solutions that mankind could use for energy or healing health care read your writing and started to work with others to build and distribute high efficiency energy machines or disease and illness cures because he learned to get along with others? See the power in this?

Are you starting to see the unlimited power of the mighty writing pen or keyboard yet? If you only know plumbing or electricity you could write down solutions in your own words, exclusively, and help others solve problems and save money and time.

If you know how to train dogs to behave better and be better company do you think you could share this knowledge with others for free by writing about it? Think of all the people who would take better care of their pets because they understood them better. They would live better because of you.

Do you know how to pick out good coffees or teas that are appropriate and even healthy for different times and occasions? Most people do not and would be grateful for your shared knowledge?

If you are a good doctor or nurse do you think you could pen down on paper or on Write on the internet and give out a good cure or relief from pain and discomfort every now and then, for free, to help others? We could know more with your help.

If you are a good online internet marketer do you possibly think you could write a paper or long note online, sometimes, and share it with everyone for free? There are many thousands of internet marketing tips to share, that work, so what would it hurt to give something away and help others out once in a while?

If you have something that works, in almost any field, maybe writing it down can give some solutions to others that would benefit them and even you in the long run. Do you think?

Even if you have something that you cannot afford to give away you can write an article about it to let others know that you have come up with a solution. Although you are selling something you are still providing a valuable service by selling a solution and making the life of someone else a little better.

Are you starting to get the picture a little more yet? Good! Then let us continue.

How about solving some or all of the problems of the world? Getting heavy here or are we? If you wrote about how two or more countries could stop fighting and published it on the net the possibility of a solution would be born. The seed is planted. This is more powerful than a nuclear bomb.

If you started a snowball at the top of the hill that said two very different and very hostile groups to each other could get along and be friends, and how, no one could stop it. Just be careful to believe in the cause being a good one because what you start may happen.

Darwin started the theory that man came from animals and guess what? He changed his mind about it later in life and was unable to stop the snowball theories of evolution.

The lady who was the test case for the Supreme Court decision that abortion, the murder of babies, is legal started one of the fiercest fights of the twentieth and twenty first centuries. She has since completely changed her mind about abortion and now regrets her feelings then.

She can do little or nothing about it now. Or can she? Maybe if she wrote a new paper about it some people would start to feel different about it. Think?

What if Thomas Edison did not invent the incandescent light bulb and just let it pass? Would their be lights today? Yes there would. Nicolas Tesla invented the tube lights, you likely have in your home now, over a hundred years ago. How about that! However, Nicolas did not care to write about his tube lights.

As you are likely starting to see, the pen and keyboard can be great advertising vehicles for you. You can write about things for your business to advertise them for your business.

You can write about things that get your cause beliefs points out of you and into the open communications world to get your side of the opinion out. You can literally change the world, in time.

Just pick up your pen or set down at your keyboard and monitor and start writing about what you know and feel strongly about. I hope you will choose to be good because once your point gets known you can do nothing to stop it.

So start writing and changing the world right now if you really care about it.

Article Source:

James M. Lowe writes original articles about">home business opportunities.

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