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California To Use The Latest In High-Speed Train Technology For New Project

While the Supreme Court removed the ban on same-sex marriages in California to the delight of the gay community and to the horror of religious and other groups, a new project will send high-speed bullet trains through the state that can either send delight or horror to California commuters. The passage of Proposition 1A will provide part of the funds for the 220 MPH bullet train system which is expected to reach approximately $45 billion construction cost. The new California High-Speed Rail system will connect Sacramento in the north to San Diego in the south, with stations at every major city in between, including Los Angeles and San Francisco.

The new rail system will comprise of an 800-mile network for high-speed trains and is expected to create 160,000 jobs during the planning, design and building of the project. An additional 450,000 permanent jobs will be generated for California as a result of the economic growth that the trains will bring to the state. The trains will also reduce the state's yearly consumption of fossil fuel by 12.7 million barrels. These high-speed bullet trains are powered electrically and will be easier on the environment than cars, buses and planes. Although there is still no clear indication as to when the first routes would start operation, the trains are expected to ferry 100 million passengers a year by the year 2030.

Billions of dollars per year in wasted fuel and lost man-hours directly result from the heavy congestion on urban areas. The high-speed train project is expected to boost the economy of California by improving the movement of people and products from city to city and across the whole state. The system is expected to generate revenues with an annual surplus of over $1 billion. Travel time for commuters will be greatly reduced as well as create a decongestion for freeways and airports. Air pollution in California will be reduced as well as the incidents of road fatalities and injuries from accidents. This will also result to a reduction on health care costs brought about by these issues.

Despite the $45 billion price tag for the project, government and project officials have estimated that it will be more economical and practical than expanding the states highways and airports to meet future demands for intercity travel and interaction. Using traditional infrastructure, California would need to build 3,000 miles of freeway lanes to meet demands on road travel, and an additional of five airport runways and 90 departure gates to meet air travel demands by 2020. This will cost twice as much as the proposed high-speed train system and will create more sources of pollution that will be detrimental to the environment. The train system will also cost less for passengers and commuters than standard travel by car or plane.

The proposed high-speed train project will have less environmental impact on the environment of California than expanding roads and highways. It will have less impact on wetland and waterways, farmlands and other ecosystems. There will also be lesser noise pollution. Electrically powered trains will require one-third the energy used on a plane and have much lesser pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions. It is expected to reduce up to 12 billion pounds of CO2 emissions per year.

Once again, the think-tanks in California are using technology to have a more efficient system that will not only upgrade the economy and way of life of the people, but can protect the environment as well.

Article Source:

Gretchen Vuvalgee writes about what's important for homeowners for San Diego California Water Damage Restoration and San Diego California Flood Damage Cleanup

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