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Digital Photo Restoration Sheds Light on Old Photographs

Digital photo restoration is nothing short of the work of true artists with a love for old photographs. When the art of restoration first appeared, it was a marvel. Specialty shops, for a rather hefty price, could sharpen borders, replace missing edges, and brighten the color.

Today, photos can be scanned and emailed to any photography shop in the world that retouches old photos, and the finished product can be emailed back to the customer fairly quickly and for much cheaper than before. Photo restoration today doesnt stop with the edges and borders of a photograph; missing chunks of pictures, even in the middle of the photo, can be replaced. In addition, artists can add people and furniture to a photo that were not in the original one. It is easy for a customer to submit any photos, slides, or negatives to a company for this service. In addition to emailing the picture file, it is very convenient, easy, and safe to upload the picture to the company.

The traditional way is to bring the original photograph in hand to a shop that specializes in this type of work. Of course, photos can be mailed to artists as well. Digital photo restoration is safe, inexpensive, and easy to use for the customer.

Photo Restoration: How It Works
The first thing that restoration artists do when they receive an old or damaged picture is to evaluate the damage. Rips, folds, and color issues are addressed, and an estimate of what it will cost to repair the issues is relayed to the customer. One of the greatest things about digital restoration is that the original photograph is NEVER altered. The only thing that is tinkered with is the scanned copy. This is especially important for those who bring their photos into a shop as opposed to emailing or uploading them. The customer then is given the estimate for the work, and the fun begins. Usually within a day or two, thanks to incredible technology today, the customer is shown an initial test version of the picture, restored.

If needed, the client can express their need for any further changes to the photo. If additional changes are requested, the customer will receive another test version for review. Once the customer is satisfied with the restored, fresh looking photo, orders for prints, reprints, and other special services can be ordered and filled.

Digital Restoration: The Benefits
The most obvious benefit to restoring old photos digitally is that the end result is much more suitable for framing and displaying to family and friends. A more colorful, uninterrupted image is much more aesthetically pleasing than a torn, worn, and shorn one. Another great reason to get an old photo retouched is renewability. People can rest easy knowing that there are 50 copies of Great Aunt Louises picture in existence, as opposed to Uncle Hebert having the only copy on the planet.

Retouched or repaired photographs make excellent additions to family trees, histories, and family Bibles, too. People always say that a picture is worth a thousand words, and digital photo restoration is the perfect way to make sure that no matter how many years those words have been around, they will never go unheard.

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