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How To Get 100% Hot Targeted Traffic Directly To Your Website!

How many of us have had a well-built web site with everything working correctly, including links, search engine optimisation and Pay Per Click ads, only to find that you don't sell much, if anything at all?

If you have your own website with good quality, original, content on a niche subject that you enjoy writing about, there is one sure-fire way to get hot, wallet in hand, customers to rush to your home page.

All you need to do is keep doing what you're doing, that is writing about your chosen niche subject, but only submit your articles to any or all of the hundreds of article sites on the Internet.

Just a one page summary about your subject with your website and email details at the foot of that page can make all the difference.

Include these details in your 'resource box' where you give a paragraph about yourself and leave the rest to the article site.

As an example, visit and click on 'Search'. Type in either a word or phrase that you are interested in, say, 'Business'. You will be taken to a list of all the articles posted on that site that mention Business in the title or, if you select it, in the main body of the article.

Another excellent site is which can submit your article to around 50,000 places.

Any of these articles can be used on anybody's site or publication provided they include your Resource Box. Remember this is where you placed a link to your website. Therefore, when your article is read, it will most probably be read by somebody who is already interested in your niche subject. They will then click on your link to be taken to your home page or sales page. This brings people to your website who are already qualified, as they wouldn't follow this link if they weren't interested in the subject.

To ensure that they will WANT to click on your link, give them something special as a 'reward' or 'gift' for visiting your site. This can be a free eBook or some other useful information all about the subject.

Once at your site, you can capture their name and email address to add to your list by offering a free newsletter or 'tip of the day' email which will enable you to also tell them about any other offers or purchases that they can make.

Without building a list of people to send your products or services to, you have an uphill struggle to make any sales at all.

Once your article is in place, post more articles about other areas of your business. This will start working after a few weeks and never stop - your article will never be removed and will also be on so many web sites or featured in so many newsletters and publications that you won't believe where all your customers are coming from - all over the world.

Give your articles a powerful headline to attract attention. Make the first paragraph interesting reading while you introduce what you're going to say.

In the main body of the article, tell the reader all about what you have just introduced and, in the final part, summarise what you've just said - and that's it.

Fill in your resource box at the foot of the page, something like, Bill Smith has been writing about this subject for over 20 years and has sold over 10,000 eBooks. Find out more and get a free book on 'How To ..,' at or email: [email protected]

This will be enough to coax readers to click on your link to your website. Have a name and email address box on your home page to offer something special when they submit their details.

That's it, you have another name on your opt-in list.

Having this list is the most important thing you can have on the Internet when you're selling things.

Without the list, you'll find it very difficult to sell your items, whatever they are. The business IS the list.

Let me give you a quick example. Supposing I have an eBook all about the latest widgets. I can advertise it all over the world if I pay thousands to do so. I may or may not get my money back when I sell some.

However, if I mention the eBook in my next email to my list, at least some of them are guaranteed to buy as they have either already bought from you before or they would like to because that's why they joined your opt-in list, and, therefore, trust you.

The bigger the list, the more you'll profit.

A person with a list of, say, 1000 names selling an eBook for $39 with 10 people buying makes a profit of $390 with no outlay on advertising at all. If 100 people buy you'll make $3900 profit - in just a few short minutes. Without a list, you'd get nothing as you've told nobody about your product. You must start building the list.

Now, imagine a list of 100,000, I'll leave the math to you!

Submitting to the article sites may take some time but it's worth it once you start getting the profits on a regular basis. To save you hours on end, though, try using software that automatically uploads and submits your articles for you. Article Submitter Pro is the one that I use. Type it into any good search engine to find out who is selling it.

There are more ways to create this 'Viral Marketing' effect to drive people to your website but submitting your, well written, articles to the article sites is a proven winner, try it now.

By the way, if you can't write an article, just type out as much information as you can about your subject and visit and request that somebody write it for you. It will cost a few dollars but it will be very professional. Use this in your promotions.

Article Source:

Martyn Brown: 20+ years involved in home business and the Internet. Has edited newsletters and magazines since 1985. For a free, downloadable, work from home magazine, visit:

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