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Making a Living by Writing Stories


Just write. It's the most effective way to begin. Start with your activities this morning, how the first thing you did was go directly to the bathroom, before you even got dressed or started your breakfast. Then what did you do? What people did you run into? What conversations did you have? Try to remember the sequence of events and write all of it down.

One must consider that when writing for a specified purpose, handwritten script must be simple and concise yet still getting the point across.

Subsequently examine what you have put down. Examine your selection of words. Are you able to make out what you jotted down? If your response is in the affirmative, you are on your way to becoming a writer, one of the best and most comfortable jobs in the world.

Review what you've written if you do not understand it. Tweak the words and change them around to see what works best. Dictionaries and Thesaurus' can help, and no good writer are without them. Let others read your writing to see what they think.

Then practice daily to help continue developing your skill. Remember the old saying that 'practice makes perfect' and it is no different with writing. Be disciplined and make certain that you spend at least thirty minutes writing every day. Write anything, it doesn't matter, describe what you see.

If you are unable to take time to write, then read. Get hold of anything you can, whether it be little ads in the phone book to novels to articles on world news, celebrity gossip, even catalogues are good because whatever you read will stick with you and eventually become a part of your selection of vocabulary and style. Reading simply increases your ability in writing, this is a proven fact.

Experiment with writing articles. If you're scared to begin, find article writing tips in books or search the web. Begin by writing about normal things such as a holiday or trip to the market. Or simply write about your laundry soap.

Don't ever forget to follow these simple rules, and answer these questions: Who, What, Where, When, and How. There's a great chance that everything is covered when your article answers all of those questions.

To turn your skill in writing into a job opportunity, you can begin by offering your writing services to different companies and publishers as you approach them. When doing this always carry a writing sample so that you can show them an example of your writing ability.

When your writing first gets published, you've nearly reached your goal. However, you should keep working and trying to improve. You should never consider your work complete. Even when a you've written about a topic, attempt to write about the same topic with a different point of view. This is an excellent exercise that can improve your writing skills.

For additional motivation, look for a job at a local newspaper. The community administration center could even need writing staff for its periodicals. The opportunitys are boundless.

From there, you should consider giving writing short stories a try. You can find a wealth of information here, in books,and on the Internet on how to write an effective short story. The basic rule of thumb is to have message or a plot. If correctly written, you can sell these to magazines for publication.

However, if none of these things interests you, you may want to consider starting a 'blog' which is an online journal or diary. When doing this, though, you do need to be able accept criticism from many people that you don't know. However, the criticism is really the fun part, and should be taken in a positive manner, especially since these criticisms may actually help you improve your writing, as with each comment that you receive you are able to learn more about your style and the mistakes that you make, as well as more about yourself.

A lot of today's young adults are hooked on blogs. Many will become bloggers themselves as time goes on.

A blog, short for weblog, is a web site where text, hypertext, images, and links to other sites are posted on a somehwat regular basis. These are very popular among Generations X and Y, in part because the language used on blogs is a lingo that they are more comfortable with than others. A shared slang can make a blog's contents more interesting to its readership.

To start a blog you can contact a blogger and ask for tips and pointers, you can also search for blog writing tips.Some bloggers are making money by attracting advertisement to their blogs thus creating their own full time vocation.

Whatsoever your intention, writing is truly fun. It is all about words and applying your ideas into words. It wages even people reading your activity know you. Maybe even be affected by what you have written.

But no matter what, simply beginning it is the key.

Article Source:

Mark Kennelly is the owner of a highly regarded article directory. He offers advice on the best way to attract traffic for articles and blogs. To learn more, please visit Free Articles today. Researching Writers today to find out more.

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