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Quick Money From Article Marketing


Everything happens Quickly and Instantly on the Internet. In the blink of an eye you're easily transported around a whole planet. It's a smorgasbord !! The web site you just FThe Internet is just one big Soup Bowl of Information just waiting for you to come and gobble it up. We live in a world of "Everything Quick". Quick Food, Quick Money, Quick credit, Quick Advertising, Quicker Cars and the faster we get Quicker, the better!!

Not only is it possible, but it's not that complicated to achieve. Most experts agree that advertising in e-zines is THE quickest way to effectively generate more traffic to your website and increase your sales. E-zine Classified Advertising is incredibly popular which means most e-zines are being filled with classified ads. Some people use their lunch time to glance over their e-mails while chowing down. The average e-zine reader sees hundreds of headlines and classifieds every day, taking a quick peek to if it might be worthwhile. So, How does your Classified Ad Look ?! Your CONTENT should always be very specific. It has to or it becomes cyber-trash very quickly. A favorite Internet saying I've heard is to KISS IT or, in its original form, Keep It Simple Stupid !! Big words can be overwhelmingly impressive but i have found that shorter words easily read and just work better.

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How do you make eye grabbing HEADLINE? I'll bet you didn't know it's always been right in front of you the whole time, and your going to wonder why you never thought of it. Ready??... Your email box... It's a treasure trove of headlines just waiting to be found. Now, I'm not saying that you steal someone else's headlines. That wouldn't be nice at all, now would it!! That doesn't mean you can't get idea's from them though.

Here's a simple way to find a few "catchy headlines" Every time you open your email box, Quickly scan the contents. Which one do you remember the most? It doesn't really matter which one it was, just be honest with yourself. Begin a list of catchy phrases and write it down somewhere. If you have more than one email box use it too.

The next step is the Fun Part. Sit down and start butchering these Headlines!! Go for it!! Grab a word here, a phrase there, change a couple words around in a sentence. Replace words that would better identify your opportunity or service your promoting. Soon you will have a nice selection of Headlines you created yourself.

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Most classified ads usually contain around 25-50 words each. You only have so much space, and you have to say everything in a little teeny tiny spot. I can't emphasize how very important it is that the content grabs the readers attention. This is the meat of the ad. Create an irresistible offer. Tantalize your readers, entice them into wanting to take a bite. Make an offer that is so overwhelmingly attractive, that they would have to be insane to pass it up.

Give them a tidbit by adding something free. Anything, just make it free. You say your not so good at writing classified ads like that? I'll wager a bet you are! There is a way to write great ads quickly. Yup you guessed it!! Read a few of the emails and save the ones that caught your eye. Get out the knife and cut up those ads using the same technique you used for Headlines.

Once you have 6-8 contents ads written, simply get the Most Excellent Headlines YOU created and start slicing and dicing. Mix them up, change them around until your happy with them. You can spice up your address by giving your web pages catchy names, but a draw back is the length it may create. problem is, People don't like 86 character website addresses. Their either too hard to remember or mistakes are made when entering it into their browser. You just lost a prospective sale right there.

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