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Real Clothes for Real Women

Germaine Greer famously said that middle-aged women are invisible. We no longer turn heads, inspire art, grace the pages of fashion magazines or get asked our opinion. All too clear an example of an increasingly ageist population!

But is this still true?

It�s now widely acknowledged that our 60s are the new 50s, and 50s the new 40s, and with women like Sharon Stone, Helen Mirren and the dazzling Cheri Lunghi, still looking powerfully attractive and confident in their looks, it seems there is a real sea change happening.

Although we will always be fascinated with the sheer beautifully unblemished nature of youth, what�s happening today is that older women are now style icons in their own right. So we don�t look young but we certainly still look, and feel, good. In fact I would go so far as to say that many women over 50 and even 60 stand out because they are more stylish than youngsters with their slavish following of fashion without first considering whether it really shows them to their best. Older women know from experience what they look good in, and what they need to avoid like the plague, and they certainly know how best to work that knowledge.

Without ever trying to be trendy, real women will mix old favorites in with changing trends, new colors and latest styles and will look fabulous for it.

Real mature women also know where to shop. Finding trousers that really fit, dresses with sleeves, longer line tops, and comfortable, �forget it�s there� underwear, literally becomes the pursuit of happiness and is much more important than wearing obvious designer labels. Although too many shops do nothing but cater to the younger end of the market, that�s not true of shopping online or by mail order.

David Nieper is a classic website that is ideal for women ignored by mainstream style. Their aim is to translate each season�s most important trends and gorgeous fabrics in to high quality outfits and accessories for real women. Real women who do not conform to high street sizes and who expect something just that little bit better.

Their style is contemporary without ever being high fashion and they know, largely because their buyers and designers are real women too, that how we dress reflects our outlook on life rather than short-lived fads.

The Collections throughout the year always take a practical approach to dressing with clothes for every occasion from nightwear to swimwear to gorgeous evening clothes, and always are cut to fit and flatter the mature figure. Because they know what their customers are like and more importantly what they like to do, each Collection has clothing ideal for traveling, casual wear for gentle sports, brilliant nightwear for any hospital stays, as well as wardrobe classics that will never date.

With Collections like this, trusted by women all over Europe for consistent fit, endless style and superb quality, there will be more and more real women out there exuding confidence because they feel good in what they are wearing. Women who are not just visible but visibly knocking spots off the younger generation!

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Marcy Mills is the author and webmaster of . A top fashion designer of Womens Nightwear , nightdresses and nighties. Pure cotton for comfort. Hand made in the UK.

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