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Rock Tops Granite Report: The Many Uses of Marble besides Countertops

Paros and Penteli from Greece, Carrara from Italy, Proconnesus from Turkey, Macael from Spain, Makrana from India, Danby from Vermont and Yule from Colorad.

Marble is a crystallized limestone, essentially composed of quartz and orthoclase or microcline. It used for many applications, including sculpture, buildings and monuments.

In ancient history, marbles were used in cathedrals and palaces for a rich look. Marbles are still very popular and are used in modern homes to create a luxurious look.

Advanced technology and different finishes make marble an appropriate material for sinks, vanities, window sills, floors and more. A polished finish will bring out depth and color for a sink or vanity top, while a honed finish will provide a non-slippery floor tile.

Faux marbling is a technique of painting which mimics the color and pattern of real marble. Marble dust can be jointed with synthetic resins to create reconstituted or cultured marble.

Though marble is mainly used as a building stone in the construction industry, it also has other uses. Ground marble powder is used as a component in paints, plastics and other industrial trades.

Marble is also known for its cultural associations, for example, it was the desired source for Greek and Roman Sculptors and architects as a symbol for tradition and refined taste. Marble is a favorite decorative material and its many varieties are often imitated because of its colorful pattern.

Rock Tops technology sets them apart from other companies. With computer numerically controlled stone processing equipment, they get a perfectly cut and polished edge on every countertop. Artfully merging the latest technology with old world stone craftsmanship, Rock Tops are the experts at creating quality granite and marble countertops which they professionally install. Visit their website at to locate a showroom and learn more.

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This article was written by Charlie Thiede, owner of Rock Tops Granite, the leading granite and marble countertop fabricators in the US. Rock Tops Granite's goal is to artfully merge the latest technology and old world stone craftsmanship in creating quality products, professionally installed. At Rock Tops we have a huge selection of full slabs. Many of our customers have described the viewing of the stone in our showroom "like going to a fine art gallery."

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