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Selecting the Appropriate Wheelchairs


Selecting the appropriate wheelchair for yourself or your loved ones is not an easy task. Because of different types, different technologies used, different models � choosing the best wheelchairs is fast becoming like a getting a pair of jeans on the biggest mall in world on a grand holiday sale. Needless to say, it is very tiring and exhausting.

But this shouldn�t really be the case. Unlike the jeans and other products that you will buy, wheelchairs have a specific purpose. You don�t buy wheelchair for the sake of having it. You will not purchase a wheelchair just because it is on sale. You will buy a wheelchair because you or someone close to you needs it.

If you are planning to buy a wheelchair then it is important that you must first understand the technicalities and specifications that common wheelchair types have. Thru this you will be aware of their respective advantage and disadvantages more clearly. There are many types of wheelchairs available in the market today like the motorized wheelchairs, electric wheelchairs manual wheelchairs. Other mobility products like mobility scooters and walking aids (although not exactly wheelchairs) fall to the same family and therefore will be discussed in this article too.

Motorized wheelchairs have small rotors or rotating motors that allow them to move swiftly. Using this type of wheelchair entails no effort from the rider. This is often powered with normal batteries and can relatively be used on rough terrain. This type of wheelchair is also the one suitable to patients with relatively high BMI or body mass index. This type of wheelchair on the other hand is not recommended for people with disabilities other than leg impairment. People will fragile bones and those who are really weak are not advised to use this machine too.

Electric wheelchairs are much like motorized wheelchairs. Their main difference is in the power of the motor. Electric wheelchairs run slower compared to motorized wheelchairs. They are also best suited for smooth terrain. Unlike the motorized one, electric types cannot be used outdoors. This type of mobility support is perfect for weak people. One push of a button and they can move around the house on their own.

The last type of wheelchair is the manual wheelchair. This type draws physical power from the user and is therefore more suited for people who are still able to exert force despite their disability. Because it is manual, the strength of the person using it, or pushing it determines whether it can move on rough terrains or not.

Choosing other mobility products like scooters and walking aids should follow the same format as above. Remember that these equipments have very important use, choosing the appropriate wheelchairs and mobility tools can make the person using it loved.

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