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Software Project Failure Warnings

All of us know that software can cause errors just like humans do. Errors can occur due to various reasons. Software projects can be considered as a failure if it crosses the budget allocated for it or in its inability in fulfilling the functionality for which it was designed.

An initial step in developing a software project is to set aside a scope and an outline for the tasks to be carried out. The actual test of the software capabilities starts after these initial steps. Irrespective of the size of the software project, the initial warnings of its failure can be well judged. The symptoms can be loud and clear if the projects are small. However, larger projects often require great introspection for any failure detection. In a broader way, few signs of failures can be felt common across all software projects. Some of them are given below.

1) Working in concurrency

A rule in Software Project Management says that, no two works should be carried concurrently in the initial phases of a software development. Software coders and Business Analysts play their roles during these stages. Their works have to be separated and performed as different entities. Coding must always succeed requirement gathering stage and not vice versa. Often, it is found among many teams that coding starts even while analysts are busy gathering the requirements from the work givers. This happens with a notion that changes can be made to the developed codes, as and when the requirements are changed. This is actually a first step for failure among many software projects.

2) Size and technology to be used

A correct procedure to follow is to hire the project workers once the requirement gathering has been completed and validated. This ensures that the right numbers of people are working in the team. A large team size not only increases the budget but also can create unnecessary confusion. Another aspect to be considered is the type of technology to be used in the application. For this, the actual budget allocated for the project has to be borne in mind and an appropriate decision has to be taken. If the size of the team and technology used are inappropriate, you can be rest assured in software not clicking.

3) Piling up of requirements

It is necessary that all the documents gathered be simple, short and covering all the requirements of the client. If more than the required docs are gathered, it will not just be cumbersome in handling them but also there will be a possibility of the coder missing few details. Collecting over requirements can thus prove as a warning for an early failure of software.

4) Ignorance

Encountering bugs and other related failures is nothing new in the software development process. If they are ignored or are taken lightly, the issue can get complicated and difficult to handle.

5) Outsourcing

In most projects, there will certain tasks that can be worked upon remotely. These tasks could either be complicated or time consuming. In any case, outsourcing the work or a part of it can be considered as a warning of failure of the software in the later stages.

6) Participation blues

At any stage of software project development, if senior management or participants avoid attending meetings or block communication channels, then the chances of collapse of project is very high. This is often considered as most dangerous warnings of all.

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