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The Possibility Of A Restoration Of A Separated California

If you've ever experienced both the Northern California and Southern California way of life, you understand that they are very different ways of life. In general, what's important to someone living in Northern California is something completely different from what's important to an individual in Southern California. Other than the Sacramento and San Francisco areas, much of Northern California can be pretty small town. The two ends of the state are like two very different states.

What can be done to the restoration of a separated California? Many small towns in Northern California want conservative values. Think Sarah Palin shooting wolves out of her plane. I'm going to bet some of those people in Northern California living close to the wildlife are wishing they could do that in their state. Yet, those in Southern California are horrified that someone would even consider killing a wild animal. Those from Southern California have never heard their dogs yelping at night when a wild cougar attacked the family pet or found bear tracks leading up to their trashcan. It's really like two different worlds, not even two different states. Can restoration of ideals and a sameness of heart really take place between these two different worlds?

One thing that would need to take place to unite the state is a restoration in the Northern Californians' belief that their vote really does count. Sure, they probably played a pretty large part in making sure Prop 8 passed, but their presidential vote rarely seems to matter in their state's election of the president. If before an election you drive through a typical Northern California community, chances are that at least a majority of the signs in the yards are for the Republican candidate. Yet, when was the last time a Republican candidate won the California nomination for the president? Restoration of a California united? Not looking too promising right now.

Even when looking at California not on a Northern California versus Southern California perspective, restoration and uniting of the state does not look promising in the near future. One of the biggest political decisions in recent history for Californians was Prop 8. Many saw this is a restoration of core values to the state. They saw it as coming back to the original definition of marriage. When Prop 8 passed, making only marriage between man and a woman and not between two men or two women legal, did those who opposed this measure just sit back and accept the decision of their fellow citizens? Nope, instead of a restoration of order and unity, it looks like there's even more a division among Californians. There are those who voted for the Prop 8, and there are those who voted against it.

Prop 8 opponents are not happy with the decision of others in their state. Although they have now been able to unite with those living in the opposite side of the state, the division is now somewhere else. There is always a division in the state, whether it's about animal rights, human rights, gay rights, or any other rights, will California ever be completely united concerning a cause? Will it ever be all about California and not about Northern California versus Southern California or Prop 8 supporters versus Prop 8 opponents?

Article Source:

Samson Paulotti reports on issues affecting homeowners for The Restoration Resource California and Restoration Industry Resources

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