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The Security Benefits Of Vehicle Tracking Technology

Vehicle tracking technology has come on leaps and bounds in the last decade or so. The main reason for this has been the advances in GPS or Global Positioning System technology. One of the major benefits for fleet managers who install GPS vehicle tracking devices is that security is vastly improved after installation. Fundamentally these systems work through the use of satellites, these satellites are constantly spinning around the globe and for the vehicle tracking industry are able to place the position of any vehicle in the fleet on a twenty four hour basis. This is especially important in the recovery of stolen vehicles; as a result it is not just fleet managers that have realized the benefits of GPS technology, those who own expensive cars also understand how GPS can help secure their car.

In the majority of cases the vehicle tracking device is fitted to a car in a covert manner. This does not mean that installation occurs in the dead of night with nobody around but instead means that the device is installed in a way so it is out of site. This covert fitting should not show any signs that a device has been put in place, this is because if the car does happen to be stolen the thief has no clue whether a car has a device installed or not. The result is that car thieves are less likely to steal cars due to the fear of being tracked.

If a car is stolen the little device sends a signal directly to the police, on a frequency that only the police can receive. The more sophisticated varieties of vehicle tracking system out there are even able to detect when a car is being used for unauthorized purposes, decreasing the response time of the authorities and increasing the chances of recovery immensely. Some of these systems will also send the vehicle owner a text message informing them of any unauthorized use.

The benefit of GPS vehicle tracking technology means that the car or van can be pinpointed with high levels of accuracy. This location information is then sent to the relevant authorities and from that point they are able to find the car in a short amount of time. The success of these systems has meant that insurance companies will now give policy discounts if a vehicle tracking device is fitted. As car theft is one of the most expensive elements of an insurance policy, increasing the chances of recovery can seriously lower the price.

The GPS device and cellular modem that make up the system are typically powered from the vehicle battery although in some cases a separate battery pack can be used. At the other end the home or business will typically be able to install a piece of software or visit a specific website that will allow the real time tracking of vehicles. This software will normally display the information on a map layout with the location of the car or van contained within it; much like the screen of a satellite navigation device. Information displayed is usually along the lines of vehicle location, speed, direction of travel, route history and the date.

It is hoped that this article has given the reader a greater understanding of how GPS technology can help secure cars and vans, not only in the commercial sphere but also in the home. As car crime is becoming more serous it is good to know that the technology is out there to thwart the efforts of thieves.

Article Source:

Technology expert Thomas Pretty studies how GPS vehicle tracking devices have greatly improved the recovery rates of stolen vehicles.

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