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Why Is Viral Marketing Spreading Like A Virus

Just like a virus spreading fast, you can apply viral marketing to your promotional campaign such as your note cards so that your message will stick to the minds of your target clients.

Like a virus, your note card printing message can spread quickly and on its own. When done right, your personalized note cards can persuade your target clients to answer your call of action. All you have to do is to spread the virus, e.g. your print note cards, and you are on your way to having marketing collateral's that your target clients will have a hard time to ignore.

There are no hard and fast rules when spreading your message in your personalized note cards. The key is to optimize the presence of your marketing tool. Ensure that your collateral would get the attention of your target clients that they would be talking about your message even when it reached its expiration date.

Create your own brand of signature

You got to have one aim only--to make a memorable and easily recognized marketing collateral. How do you do that? By providing functionality and usability to your collateral. Note cards are useful items per se. You do not need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to its function. Nevertheless, what you need to do is to have unique and personalized note cards that reflect the brand that is you.

Then the next step is to get your target clients to pass on your collateral. This is the very essence of viral marketing. The quickest way to infect your target clients and have your note cards travel quickly is to make an avid carrier out of your target client. A message that is informative as well as valuable to your target clients will definitely get a positive impact.

An offer that is hard to resist

What can be irresistible than having the word �free� in your cards? Free service. Free gift. Free consultation. Spread your message by offering your target clients something that they can get for free. They�ll definitely be excited to tell their friends and relatives of your promo.

Provide extensions

One of the quickest ways to spread your message is to provide extensions to your campaign. This means that you make your personalized note cards into a free gift to complement another marketing tool. But be sure to avoid having your note card�s value reduced. Ensure that your target clients know the worth of your collateral as a stand-alone tool.

Your note cards are small marketing tools that may seem insignificant for some. Through viral marketing, your collateral will have the chance to become powerful tools that can help you get recognized and remembered.

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