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Windows Movie Maker Errors

Windows Movie Maker is one of the latest applications for the Windows operating system from Microsoft. Windows Movie Maker allows users to store, create, edit, and manage their home movies using their PC and other assorted home movie equipment. This application allows you to add special effects, alter the format, and much more. Windows Movie Maker has become very popular with users, because of the flexibility and functions of this application. This program can cause Windows Movie Maker error messages though.

Some of the errors that occur with this application are associated errors. These errors are not caused by Movie Maker, and they will occur no matter what software program you are using. This can include missing files, corrupted files, registry entries which are not correct, viruses or other electronic infections, and spyware programs. The steps used to correct these errors will work to repair and eliminate any errors on your system. It is also a good idea to only keep one application or window open at a time, and this can eliminate some error messages.

Windows Movie Maker Errors, And Other Software Programs Which Can Cause Them

Viruses, worms, and trojans are electronic infections that are a major cause of error messages on any system, and these are easy to repair and get rid of. A good anti virus program will prevent these infections from happening, because they are caught and removed before any damage can be done to your system or hardware. Keep the definitions updated in the software, so that any new threats are recognized and removed. It is important to scan your system frequently, so these infections are detected as soon as possible. This will stop some of the Windows Movie Maker errors.

Spyware is a big cause of Windows Movie Maker error messages, both those concerning Windows Movie Maker and those related to other programs. In addition, spyware causes major speed and performance loss on your PC. These programs can also hijack your computer, as well as capture secure and private information, such as passwords and account numbers. Preventing these programs from taking control of your system is important. Spyware generally does not get your authorization before downloading and installing these programs, and they can run invisibly in the background. An anti spyware program will stop this, and prevent error messages.

Using a registry cleaner can stop almost all Windows Movie Maker errors. The registry of your system contains all the entries and keys needed by your operating system and any applications and programs installed on your computer. This registry also may contain software fragments for programs which have been removed, and these can clutter up the registry and cause error messages to appear. With registry cleaner software, cleaning the registry is simple and quick, with no risks or extended time needed.

Registry cleaner software makes cleaning the registry much faster and safer than manual editing. It would take days or weeks to go through the registry and edit each individual entry, and the risks are high that the wrong entry is edited, leading to system instability or even system failure. With registry cleaner software, there is no risk of system failure or instability. The Windows Movie Maker errors will be a thing of the past.

Article Source:

Brian Williams is a self-confessed PC fiddler dedicated to 'spreading the word' when it comes to fixing PC errors and helping people make the most use of their PCs. For FREE ACCESS to more PC tips n' tricks, just visit

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