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3 Ways To Get Your Dental Clinic Website Noticed

It takes a well-planned marketing campaign, hard work, and time to make your dental site stand out from any other dental clinic website. A mistake many sites make is to concentrate on one technique exclusively. In doing so, they're missing the big picture. You have many options available to you, check them out carefully and make your dental site stand above the crowd.

Make Your Dental Site Go Beyond The Basics

You can make your dental clinic website appear larger than life by extending the reach. This doesn't have to be an expensive venture costing thousands of dollars either. A good way to gain extra exposure is through article marketing. You or a guest can write articles that pertain to your practice or other complementary areas. You can then include links to your website and gain a much larger customer exposure.

Blogs are another great marketing tool that can tie into your dental website as well. There are several free blog hosting sites, but if you are able to keep the blog on the same domain as your website host, you will increase your page ranking and draw more people through the various search engines. Through your blog postings, you can highlight different procedures you specialize in or discuss new products and techniques for the industry. It's a great way to help build brand awareness for your practice.

Press releases are another tool that can extend your website reach. Whenever you have a newsworthy event, submit the press release in AP style to Yahoo, Google, or website OnlinePRNews. News is then highlighted in your dental site with appropriate links. As an added bonus, once your press release is published, other sites will pick it up and carry it on their sites automatically, which helps to increase your page ranking and will generate traffic to your dental clinic website.

The Right Way To Use Email

Nobody likes spam when it comes to email, but if used correctly, email can be a good marketing tool. Your email account is a direct link to new and existing clients. In an effort not to damage your reputation, make sure you never send out an email to anyone that has not given you permission to do so.

As you build up your email list, you may consider creating more of a monthly newsletter that can be emailed. You can feature an employee of the month, discuss questions most frequently asked, or show new products that you have to offer. It can also be broader based by discussing industry trends. Regardless, it's another way to maintain contact with your patients, both existing and potential.

Ranking Higher On The Web

One of the most popular and effective ways to boost your dental clinic website is through search engine optimization. For this procedure to work best, you need to optimize the content of your website in addition to the coding that makes the site run. Keywords that are associated with your dental site need to be worked into the content. These keywords can be specific or more general or geographical in nature. For example, you may want to make the name of your city a keyword so if a potential patient ran a web search for a dental clinic in your city, your web site would rank at the top.

Another way to increase your ranking on the web is through link building. The blogs and article submissions we talked about previously are ways to do this. You can also build links by submitting your site to directories, especially ones that are geared to dental and medical practices.

You may have a great practice, but unless you retain all of your existing patients and gain additional patients, your dental practice will not grow and prosper. Your dental clinic website is a great marketing tool to help you meet that goal.

Article Source:

Christine O'Kelly is an author for Officite, a group of dental clinic website experts. They have provided a dental site for more than 3,100 dental professionals and have generated more than 100,000 appointment requests collectively.

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