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Accurate Measurement Is Vital In Baking

Cooking is a vital survival skill one must have in this order of the day. That is why home science is taught to schools as one of the core subjects in secondary schools. Students learn to bake cakes and cook other dishes that can be done at home.

They learn to take measurements like a table spoon full or half a tea spoon... etc. There is also the measuring weight counter for cooking ingredients in baking. That is why accurate ingredients measurement is vital in baking so that you can have the perfect cake that is soft and spongy.

You need to make sure that the baking powder used is not too much. Otherwise the cake will be too puffed up and not too little or else it will hardened and not rise at all.

The number of eggs used and egg white are also pertinent. One also need to measure accurately the wheat flour, cocoa powder, vanilla essence, white fine sugar... etc, to bake that perfect cake.

Don't just depend on your memory for the measurements as you might forget the figures and it makes good sense to keep constantly refer to the recipe book for instructions.

Professional Bakers Use Precise Measurements

The mouthful of cakes that you sample in high-end hotels are in-house baked by the chefs and professional bakers. They are trained from cooking schools with at least 2 years of experience in making cakes, puffs, tarts, cookies, meringue and other tea time desserts. These people are trained to use precise measurements in their baking for that flavorful cakes that they make. Even the oven temperature needs to be correct and the amount of time baked inside the oven has to be right. Otherwise you get burnt cakes if put for too long or under cooked food is placed in the oven for too short a time.

Baking Is Not For Everyone

Hence baking is not for everyone. You need to stand for a long time in the kitchen attending to the various ingredients and whipping up the flour while mixing it with the eggs and sugar at the same time. This requires experience to capture enough air for it to rise up properly without making big holes in the cake due to too much baking powder. To be a professional baker or hotel chef, you also need to have passion in cooking and baking. And it takes months if not years of practice before you can be gainfully employed in the top end hotels and eateries. Chefs are indispensable as we need to eat everyday.

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Andrea writes for a kitchen gadgets site where you can browse a range of kitchen scales along with thousands of other essential kitchen items.

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