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Can You Trust Registry Easy Reviews?

Be Aware that most reviews done on registry repair programs like Registry Easy are biased and are more than likely just partners making referrals for a commission. It is advised that you do proper research before buying a software product to repair your windows registry.

Below are some Easy Steps to registry recovery. Please follow them and consider using a good repair program from Registry to automate the process.

Common Windows Registry Problems

Your computer will have registry errors sometime in its life. These problems can often appear as annoying error alerts or in more serious cases, they may appear as random crashes, intermittent restarts, or even worse prevent Windows from loading. Windows Registry errors do deteriorate over time which leads to your computer getting slower over time.

How do you know if your PC has a problems?:

Your computer is sluggish - it takes a very long time to boot up, or even just hangs while performing simple tasks.

You get ongoing startup alerts like "missing .dll" or "file not found" which are common symptoms of registry related problems.

Blue Screens - if you receive a blue "STOP error" screen, you definitely have a BIG problem!

Applications do not load - if your application refuses to start, the registry is often the cause.

How to fix these annoying problems:

Do Some General Windows Registry Cleaning

Be sure that everything else (other than the registry) is running correctly before you begin with the registry cleaning process.

First get rid of any temporary files that may be on your PC.

Just follow these guidelines:

We will use the Disk Cleanup utility.

This utility will do a very basic cleanup of your drive, but cannot handle the more in depth cleaning tasks. You can access it by going to - Start- All Programs - Accessories - System Tools.

Apply the on screen instructions and continue.

Next we will perform scans to make sure that your machine is clear of malicious spyware and viruses. We recommend you use a tool to check for malicious viruses and spyware.

If no errors occur, then it is definitely a problem with your computer registry.

Track Down Errors. Fixing the registry is not easy and trying to do it manually is not recommended as it can often lead to more problems than there were originally. We recommend automating the error detection process with a tool like Registry Easy's free scan to perform this diagnosis.

Once downloaded and installed onto your computer Registry Easy is ready to begin cleaning. The first step it will take is to back up your entire registry as it was before the cleaning process began. Once this process is complete, you simply scan the registry for errors. Follow the on screen steps and wait for the findings.

The scan results are probably more than likely worse than you expected to see. To sort out the mess, follow the on screen instructions to complete the cleanup.

Please do a thorough cleanup once a week or bi-weekly at least. Your PC requires consistent maintenance to regularly performing at its best.

Article Source:

Registry Reports offers consumers unbiased information on registry repair software like Registry Easy Review

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