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Open Source Software-What Is It And How Can It Benefit Me?

Hmmm, so finally is it the age of open source software? "Say what?" is probably what you are wondering! Well, open source software is a phenomenon that launched internet at the first place; the concept of World Wide Web that all can share, improve upon and be a part of.

Open source software started about couple of decades earlier and is fast gaining people's attention, exposure and popularity. Open source software is a software made by the people, for the people and is maintained by the people all for free. A wide network of users, software developers and programmers work in tandem to develop a certain software and improve upon it from time to time based upon their personal experience. An open source software is free to modify, test, develop and share.

It denies the system closed door software development by handful of developers and then sold at high prices in the market to the users. Since the developers of open source software are not paid and they work out of their own motivation, you can expect them to keep working on it until they perfect it. It is in simple words fulfills the dreams of a user. Open source software is developed at a very fast pace since dedicated people work on it on no external motivation like money or promotion. Since people involved are highly talented with the sole motivation of contributing something and working on their passion of software development, the result is generally excellent.

As a software developer, if you want to get involved in an open source software development project, then it is guaranteed that you will get tremendous satisfaction out of the project.

You can get open source software by Google searching the term. A number of websites will appear with access to different down loadable versions of available open source software.

Your next question could be now, if open source software is for free and readily available then why are the commercial manufacturers still in business?

Better still, if open source software gain more popularity over the time, won't commercial manufacturer's become obsolete?

Contrary to the assumption that open source software will throw software development houses out of business, these software developers if adopt the open source software development policy of open feedback can tremendously help their business.

Involving the users at an initial stage and keeping them abreast during the development cycle will definitely score a point with the users. Technically it will help them come up with a far more superior product that is a whole lot user friendly than the initial versions. It will also open up opportunities of brand positioning at appropriate forums.

So step aside the commercial world of highly and often over priced software and welcome the age of free software, developed, tested and maintained by some of the best minds in the industry for free. Let's make technology available for the poorest as well! And if you are a software developer yourself, then hop in and see for yourself the pleasure of doing something solely for your passion and not for money.

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Gregg Hall is an author living on the Emerald Coast of Florida. Now that you know a little more about shareware be sure that you get quality computer accessories by going to

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