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Finding Real Work at Home Jobs and Avoiding Scams

We've all had the dream of being our own boss and working from home but if you fall for work at home scams, you won't be getting rich any time soon. In fact you could stand to lose a lot of money or even worse end up in jail!

Real income opportunities are plentiful for those wishing to work at home. You can find legitimate web sites that offer honest employment and business opportunities through free classifieds like those at But, for every real job offer, there are also hundreds of scams. The Internet has become a lucrative hotbed for get-rich-quick schemes.

Rip-off artists promoting work at home schemes are cheating people out of billions of dollars a year. They use psychology to lure unwitting people into their �make money while you sleep� or �earn thousands in one week� promises. The sad part is that most of their victims are those that can least afford it. The disabled, elderly, the stay at home moms, and low income families are often the most likely to fall prey to these work at home scams. They�re simply looking for a way out of a bad financial situation and some of these get-rich-quick schemes look like a dream come true.

Internet Scams to Avoid when Looking for Employment

So how do you know what�s real and what�s a scam when it comes to work at home jobs? The truth is you can�t always be 100% sure when you answer any employment ads or income opportunities. Scammers are getting increasingly clever at what they do and it�s up to you to educate yourself. Even legitimate sites have a hard time of policing their classifieds all of the time but if you stick with reputable sites like, you�ll have a better chance of avoiding scams and finding a real work at home job.

There are several things you should definitely avoid in your search for a work at home job. Don�t answer any ads or emails that ask you to be a representative for their company and collect money. This is just an attempt at fraud and you could end up being arrested even if you aren�t aware of the scam.

Avoid flashy websites, complete with glowing testimonials that say you can fire your boss and flood your bank account with money over night, all while you sit by the pool sipping champagne. Don�t believe the hype! They make huge promises that they can�t keep. These so called programs can cost you hundreds and flood you with only one thing, regret that you quit your day job!

Old Scams that Still Want Your Hard earned Money

Avoid the old scams like assembling crafts or stuffing envelops (yes they�re still around!). They will usually ask you for a �nominal� fee for processing and supplies. They aren�t in the business of helping you make money. They only want to take your money. Never send money or pay a fee for a work at home job. Remember, if they ask for a fee it�s time to flee! You should never have to pay for a legitimate work at home job. They�re supposed to pay you!

It�s important to remember that real work at home jobs are not scams but genuine opportunities to make money or find employment. Ads that promise you instant wealth or financial success overnight will do neither. Don�t become just another victim of work at home job scams. Become an educated job seeker. To find your legitimate work at home job visit the free classifieds at

Article Source:

Robin Peterson is a success adviser helping people to find work at home jobs. With Robin's guidance, you can�t go wrong. You can have a look to Robin's website to find out the correct job for you and experience the difference.

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