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How To use An Inversion Table


What does inverting mean?
It means to reverse something and that is what we do when we use an inversion table we reverse ourselves so we are up side down

Why should we look after our spines?
What we do not realise is the damage we do to our spines throughout the day and worse still sleeping on the wrong mattress. Then the problems start which will mean a bleak outlook as we get older and its not nice, so prevention is important to ensure we lead a happy and active life.

SO How Should We Use An Inversion Table?
Using an inversion table will strengthen the core muscles enabling better posture and less back strain.

It decompresses the spine and releases the blood flow around our body allowing better circulation.
Novice users that is beginners should start at half way for the first few days or until you feel comfortable enough with the use of the table and you are able to relax while inverted.

First time users may find they feel dizzy when getting off for the first time like I did, so make sure you come up slowly and relax for a few seconds before getting off the machine. These machines come with height symbols so you should adjust to your own height to ensure proper inversion, otherwise if you do not use the right height symbol you will find inverting hard.You will feel mild stretching of your muscles and joints when you relax on the inversion table and it is a lovely feeling whilst also stimulating the circulation and improving oxygen to the head. You will also notice better hair growth as blood flows direct to the head, as that was the first thing I noticed when inverting, my hair became much healthier and thicker so that is another added benefit you will notice.

In full inversion, which I only do if someone is around just in case I can not get back up, as that does take some skill ,your body hangs freely to be able to perform inverted exercises and stretching. I do not fully invert very much as I find inverting partially is adequate for me. You may also want to only fully invert for short periods of time to begin with until you become more comfortable as some people may find it too much at first.

But if you are like most people and not too keen to be fully inverted, just listen to your body, increasing the angle of inversion only when you feel comfortable like I did. You will have a wonderful experience and your spine problems will become less of a strain. You should try gentle stretching exercises as well if you can to help move the muscles. In partial inversion, try moving from side-to-side if you can as this will ease the strains of the day

If you are fully inverting you can do many exercises like abdominal exercises (sit-ups) this is for the most confident of users and the benefits are, strengthening the lower back and pelvis and we all know how important strong abs are. They are the key to a good posture.

Many people also suffer upper back pain problems as well which can be caused by stress and muscle tension. Other causes could be if you have a sitting down job or just poor posture when standing and sitting. The key to relieving this pain is to totally relax while inverting and doing deep breathing exercises.

If you feel any pain in your back after inverting then you have either rushed back up from inverting or you have spent too long on the inversion table. They say 5 -7 minutes twice a day is plenty and also if you have never inverted before then that could be another reason, because can you remember the last time you was fully inverted, maybe when you was a child like me .So you may be a little sore at first like the feeling we get when we first exercise, the next day our muscles really hurt, so over time we strengthen and adjust to our new routine and become much stronger .

Always remember the great benefits from using this back inversion table and how much money and time you will save not going to see a specialist when ever your back gives you problems.

Use daily and your back problems will become a thing of the past as I am proof of that as my other inversion back review will clearly state what it has done for me, I had a slipped disc many years ago and spent most of my time with the osteopath in severe pain .My last visit to the osteopath was over 4 years ago.

These machines are not expensive so its a small investment to make for life for all the family.

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