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Imagine a Healthier Life, Then Start Living it

If you're a baby boomer who has either been out of shape for the past few years, or maybe for most of your life, you might worry that it's too late for you to get in good shape and to be in good health.

The good news is it is never too late to start a diet and exercise program that will have you feeling better than you have in years, with plenty of energy for all the things you want to do today.

Imagine what it would be like if you were in good health; maybe you need to lose a little (or a lot of) weight, want to increase your energy levels, your enthusiasm for life, and increase your self esteem.

If you were healthier you would feel better about your appearance, be more active physically and socially, have better flexibility and sleep better.

You could also improve your eyesight, strengthen your bones, lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels and make your heart and lungs stronger. Imagine how your outlook on life would improve if you had the energy and physical ability to do whatever you wanted?

Yes, it takes some work on your part to make these things a reality, but if you're also imagining long hours at the gym and eating foods you don't like, take those images out of your mind. Getting fit can be a lot of fun and doesn't have to include a lot of struggle.

There are so many more reasons to do this for yourself than there are reasons to avoid it. Think about what your future life will be like if you don't make a change. Will you continue to gain weight, maybe get diabetes, high blood pressure or another health issue (if you don't have them already)? Maybe it will get harder and harder for you to move around, and you won't be able to do the traveling or take up the hobbies that you always wanted to.

You'd probably end up feeling depressed, wondering what happened to your life, to those wonderful golden years you'd been looking forward to.

It doesn't have to be that way. You can start taking the steps now to make your future the one you want. Take time to learn about nutrition and exercise, and incorporate small changes into your day like eating more fresh vegetables or playing a round of golf without the aid of a golf cart.

Once you start taking your life in a healthier direction, you'll see how easy it can be to make that dream of a healthy future a reality.

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Jackie Orman is an expert at helping baby boomer and seniors get and stay healthy through diet and exercise plans. Learn more at

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