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It's Never Too Late to Get Healthy!

Fitness and wellness are important at any age, and if you want to be an active baby boomer even into your senior years, you need to pay attention to your physical fitness levels and start an exercise program if you don't have one in place already.

You might think that it's impossible to get in shape if you've spent most of your life unhealthy or not working out much, but the truth is it is never too late to start taking better care of your body.

Exercises for seniors might be a little bit different from the ones you did when you were younger, but they're just as effective at helping you lose weight, improving your stamina, giving you better balance and providing more energy to get you through your day.

There are many great reasons to work out and be healthy throughout your life, but getting and being healthy as you reach your golden years is particularly important. Getting regular exercise can help prevent disease, potentially extending your life. If you have health problems now like diabetes and high blood pressure, you may be able to reduce or eliminate symptoms and stop taking medications (always check with your doctor before stopping any prescribed drug).

Being in good health means you'll have more energy for the things you want to do now that you're facing retirement, whether that's spending more time on a hobby, visiting the grandkids more often or traveling the world.

Exercise can help you lose weight or keep you from gaining weight as you age, which is a big concern as being overweight puts more stress on your body.

Physical fitness is also great for your mental health. It can help reduce feelings of depression and anxiety and improve your psychological state, boost your mood and make you feel more energetic.

Working out, even if it's just going for a walk or doing some light weight exercise while watching television, is a great activity to do with your spouse, and the health benefits of exercise for baby boomers translate equally for both men and women.

You don't need a lot of equipment to get started and you don't have to make a big investment in time or money. You don't need to join a health club where you'll be surrounded by hard bodies half your age that just wish you'd get out of their way.

Little steps toward health and fitness can make a big difference, and you can start today just by heading out the door for a walk around the neighborhood. Why not take control of your health and well-being now, while you still can?

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Jackie Orman is an expert at helping baby boomer and seniors get and stay healthy through diet and exercise plans. Learn more at

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