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Saving Children from Drowning Accidents

According to a study, drowning remains to be the second leading cause of death among children below the age of 14 and that most of these accidents have occurred in public pools.

Children have become more prone to drowning accidents, as they are not capable of swimming or saving themselves. Therefore, it is important for parents to ensure their child�s safety by always placing an eye on them as they go to play in beaches and pools.

People often go to water parks and pools to be able to relax and bond with friends and family members. But, these trips that are planned for enjoyment can end to a disastrous accident like drowning.

There have been many deaths attributed to drowning which usually involves children. Parents and relatives of these victims can contact a lawyer who can help them in filing for Drowning Death Claims.

To pursue a claim from a drowning accident, a victim must first establish negligence and determine who the responsible parties in the accident are.

Causes of Drowning Accidents

Most of the cases of drowning can be attributed to the negligence of the property owner. Owners of these water settings have the legal responsibility to maintain its hazard-free condition. Also, this would avoid paying up for claims that have resulted from the accident.

� Lack of Professional Lifeguards � Lifeguards are trained to save drowning victims and to conduct necessary resuscitation. But, not all lifeguards seen in pools and water parks are licensed and trained enough to know what to do in cases like this. Also, they should be able to keep an eye on everyone to know whether someone needs their help.

� Lack of Floating Devices � Floaters should be made available to swimmers and resort guests. This would ensure their safety even in deep waters.

� Uncovered Unused Pools � There are times when children would wander around a water park and stumble upon an unused pool. People are less likely to see these drowning children as they struggle to resurface.

� Lack of Signage � Resort owners should be able to put up signage warning their patrons of how deep the water in the area is.

Preventing Drowning Accidents

There are many ways in which one can prevent drowning. To better protect ourselves from this type of accident, one must be able to exercise extra caution and follow these reminders:

� Do not over estimate your swimming skills.

� Wear proper clothing to swim easier.

� Children should be watched over by a responsible adult.

� Make sure lifeguards would be able to see you might need help.

� Do not dive in low-water area.

Filing for Claims

To file a claim for injuries in a drowning accident, it is first necessary to establish its causes. Establishing the cause and responsibility of a party in an accident may involve complex knowledge of the law.

In cases of death caused by drowning, family members are devastated and filing for claims might not be their first priority. Death by drowning might be too much for a family to handle. Though it is hard, filing for Drowning Death Claims is necessary as this would ensure that they would be somehow compensated.

In this respect, the aggrieved party may seek the assistance of someone knowledgeable with the process, preferably, a lawyer. In this case, an experienced personal injury lawyer can help you file a drowning death claim.

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Our skilled Personal Injury Lawyers handle accident issues and claims such as Wrongful Death Claims. For consultation, visit our website and avail of our free case evaluation.

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