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The Body Plate


I purchased a similar item like this three months ago.

When i first bought this item i was not sure what it was supposed to do, as i had read many good and bad reviews on similar products and really wanted to try it to see if it did half the things it was supposed to.

I purchased a cheaper version of the power plate called the body slimmer.This item is round without any handles , i did consider the ones with handles but wanted something that did not take up much space and also i did not want to worry about putting together aswell .

First day it was like my whole body went through turbo rush vibrating all over , it actually felt weird and not very nice at first but i was determined to prove this machine would not work as everyone was raving in magazines how good these power plates were , and when i try something i always give it the the full work out with a good timescale to be fair to the product.

Results so far have been quite amazing which i thought when reading the instructions and information were over hyped with what you could achieve.


Cellulite after nearly three months has been reduced by three quarters in appearance , i have been struggling for two years to rid the orange peel look with creams and other machines nothing worked until i used this .I sit on the machine for this workout on the backs of my legs and bottom area on high.I am confident enough to wear shorts now which i would not have done before. So this is a cellulite buster for sure like a very vigorous massage which could not be achieved with a hand held machine which i have tried in the past.

Energy levels are very high, after i have used the machine it seems to give you a boost for the rest of the day makes you feel good .

My complexion is healthy and glowing with less pimples now.

My legs look slimmer and more toned.

My arms i am still working hard on,they have really improved in appearance but are harder to tone as you have to do a sit up position on the machine which i struggle to achieve in doing 3-4 minutes as it hurts my muscles but results so far are far better than the exercises i have been doing for nearly a year.

One thing i will point out i exercise on my treadmill doing power walking or use my exercise bike for 25 minutes at a steady pace each day aswell as using the power plate.

I do believe steady and gentle exercise with the power plate are a great combination and people were being led to believe by some articles that 10 minutes a day using the power plate was all you needed to lose weight.Maybe it could if you used it constantly which is not recommended ,but i do believe you need the two to achieve all round good health as the power plate does not exercise your heart and we all need to exercise out heart even if it is just walking. So please include some gentle exercise aswell aswell as the power plate to really benefit from what this powerful little machine can doThe two must be combined and then you have a great toning workout which in my opinion can not be achieved with just weights unless you want bulky muscles .

I also suffer from joint pains in my feet, since using the power plate i have had no pain atall .

A great tip for a double chin if you can stand the vibration i can only manage two minutes ,sit on the edge of the machine and it vibrates your whole face so you have a face toning machine aswell bringing the blood to the surface with out the hassle of a face machine and sticky pads.

I intend you use this machine for 10 mins a day regular as i can only say my health and figure is improving by the day and i feel like a new person.

To me this is the best machine i have ever bought that works so i think if you are considering buying a power plate , go for the cheaper version to start as in my opinion these are just as good as the expensive ones

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