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Black Ops Hypnosis A Truthful Review

It is time to reveal Black Ops Hypnosis or Underground Hypnosis for what it is. When you think of hypnosis an image comes to mind. This image is not what Black Ops Hypnosis or Underground Hypnosis is about. Nor is it about what comes to mind with the title black ops or underground hypnosis. It is all about persuasion, with some minor everyday hypnotic trance.

The black ops hypnosis or underground hypnosis site makes you think you will have magical mind control abilities over someone without them being any wiser. They will do anything you command. There is a nugget of truth in this, but it is very misleading.

Black ops hypnosis, or underground hypnosis, the terms are interchangeable, is an equal combination of four parts. These four parts are social engineering, hypnosis, NLP and language pattern dynamics. Only one part of these ingredients is hypnosis, which is the only one mentioned in the name. People are familiar with the term hypnosis. Even if they don't understand it, it does pique their curiosity. But hypnosis is only a small portion of what they really teach.

Here are the nuts and bolts of what black ops hypnosis teaches.

First you learn how to be the alpha person. Being the alpha means people think you are the one in charge. Have you ever seen someone enter a party and command the room. Everybody wanted to talk to them and spend time with them. Remember how the coolest person in school was. That is the idea.

Next approach the person you want to exert influence over. Start the conversation telling them something is wrong. Or if you can't find something make it up. An example would be lint on them, or something in their nose. Tell them you are meeting someone in a minute, but then ask a stupid question. This starts a conversation.

Use matching and mirroring techniques from NLP to extract words of interest to the other person. You can now keep the conversation rolling while you get to focus on extracting key words of importance. What they say will allow you to find their passion.

Next put yourself into a trance while guiding the conversation on their passion. Because of the rapport you have built, they will follow you into a trance. The last step, is now that you have them in a mild trance (yes hypnotized and don't know it). Tie their passion into what you want to influence them on.

I realized this is over simplified, but you get the idea. Here is the point. It is similar to selling a book on how to win the lottery. All it says is pick the right numbers. That is how much is missing from this course.

Sound complicated? It should. There is a lot of learning and preparation to be good at this. So, it will kind of teach you how to hypnotize someone, but only to influence them. Have you ever driven somewhere and not remembered driving there at all? This is the same kind of hypnosis you will put people in, and they won't realize it any more than you did. Have you ever gotten carried away talking on the phone and realized over an hour had passed. Did you recognize the trance you were in?

Here is where I take exception with Black Ops Hypnosis. It teaches such a small amount of the four parts. The sites sales letter leads you to believe in a matter of a few short hours you will be transformed into a master black ops hypnotist. You are being misled.

Just to be fair, you can learn some of what black ops hypnosis is from listening to and reading the course material. However, it pales if what you are looking to do is learn how to hypnotize yourself and others. I do recommend a complete course that will teach you everything you need to know about all four technologies, Black Ops Hypnosis is not it.

Yes, this course will teach you how to be more persuasive. It does so at the cost of being very manipulative. My recommendation is to spend your money and time with a complete course that will truly teach everything with nothing left out.

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Click the link to read another truthful review of Black Ops Hypnosis here. If your desire is to actually learn How To Hypnotize People click here. Enjoy all the tips and tricks and the free education the above links provide. You owe it to yourself!

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