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Flood Pumpers: Your Water Damage Repair Buddy

The secret behind the better success of water damage repair specialists when it comes to restoring and drying water-saturated home is technology. Water damage repair specialists both have the industry knowledge and industry tools, allowing them to dry your home quickly and efficiently.

Water damage repair of homes is a collaborative work of a variety of cleaning and drying equipment. But one of the most essential water damage repair tools is the flood pumper. This tool is of prime importance because every water damage restoration process should begin with removal of standing water. That is precisely what flood pumper is for--elimination of standing or stagnant water.

Immediate and speedy removal of standing water needs to be done in order to limit the extent of structural damage of water. Standing water, if left undone, can cause serious structural problems such as rotting, caving-in of homes, and cracking of walls. Moreover, the longer standing water stays inside your home, the more deeply it would saturate building surfaces. The more saturated interior areas of home are, the harder they are to dry.

Health-wise, if standing water is not resolved immediately, it can cause a variety of potential health-related problems. Water that has stayed in your home for 24 hours or more is a sure attraction for mildews and molds, as well as to mosquitoes, roaches, and rats.

What flood pumpers do is extract large amounts of water then store them in portable water-collection tank. Once the container is filled up, you can carry it outside of home then empty the content in another area. Most flood pumpers have the extraction capacity of 10.5 gallons of water! Because of the speed and the volume of water that flood pumpers can do, they are usually built with wheels to allow easy and quicker transport of filled containers out of water damage repair area.

This water damage repair tool is also typically built with a float system. This system works like a detection device. Once the water tank is filled up, the pumper's float system automatically shuts down the pumper.

Flood pumpers are also built with multistage filtration systems. This feature prevents clogging of the device by filtering debris, dust, sediments, and other solid materials present in standing water. Without sediments clogging the equipment, removal of water is achieved continuously, more speedily, and problem-free. Pricier flood pumpers are even built with anti-microbial protection that serves as a maintenance system.

To remove water from hard-to-reach areas such as inside corners of cabinets, flood pumpers are built with long suction hoses. Some units are even attached with hose drains that are as long as 50 feet. This feature allows emptying of tank without having to wheel the pumper out of your house or without having to carry the portable tank then empty it.

Typically, a flood pumper costs just over a thousand dollars. Price of cost would depend on capacity, feature, brand, and manufacturer of the unit. With just this amount, you can already do water damage repair of your home. However, if the price of the unit is beyond your budget, don't worry. There are service rental shops that offer flood pumper rental for a very low price.

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James Farkenfur shares How-To tips and other information for Phoenix Water Damage Repair and Arizona Water Damage Repair

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