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Resources About Going Green In Washington DC

When deciding to go green, there are many areas that need to be considered. Every aspect of our lives in some way impacts the environment whether for the good or for the bad. Yet, there are that each of us can do to help the environment and aid helping our nation to go green. Our nation's capitol, Washington D.C., has many people working to help to save the precious resources of our world that we often take for granted.

One of the areas where the District of Columbia is focusing upon helping the environment and saving some natural resources is in waste management. Of the trash collected in Washington D.C., 18.6% is recycled. It would be great if this number were higher, especially considering that it takes over twice as much money to dispose of a ton of non-recyclable trash than it does to take care of a ton of recyclable material, but at least this is a start. Yet, it's not just about the money saved. It's also about the resources saved when someone decides to recycle.

Another area some people in Washington D.C. are working to go at least a little greener has to do with transportation. About 96% of Washington D.C. residents live within a quarter of a mile of a public transit stop. Many residents are taking advantage of the resource that public transportation provides for them. Washington D.C. ranks second in the nation for people who use the heavy rails with over a million daily riders.

When it comes to transportation in Washington D.C., they go beyond public transportation in their efforts to go a little greener. SmartBike DC is the first program of its type. It is a self-service bike rental program. Using this resource is fairly simple. Interested individuals pay a subscription of $40/year. This individual then gets a card. With that card, the individual can go to any bike rack where these bikes are placed and swipe the card to get a bike. When the individual is done, the bike can be returned to the same docking station or any other one in the city. The $40 subscription fee covers the whole year of the individual's bike uses as long as the bikes are not borrowed for longer than a day at a time. Some people in Washington D.C. are also using a resource provided to them at birth, their feet. The District of Columbia is ranked as the most walkable city in the nation.

To encourage the saving of oil resources, hybrid vehicles in the District of Columbia can enjoy excise tax exemption. This pertains to vehicles that get 40 mpg driving in the city. It covers an excise tax exemption as well as a reduction in registration fees.

Although there are many other ways that the people of Washington D.C. work to make their world a little greener, one of the most important is by having the government work to set an example. The government structures are undergoing energy audits at all facilities to find opportunities for better energy efficiency. Plus, there are green roofs on some of the government buildings.

Article Source:

Samantha Kleiner is an article writer for Washington D.C. Water Damage Restoration and Washington D.C. Flood Damage Cleanup

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