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Leading By Example: Technology Competitions In California

It is amazing to see how far our technology has come. I hear all the time that we are living in the technological revolution. Certainly, there are many things evolving in front of our eyes. The real question is how do these products come to the market? Who thinks of these? The answers are simple. All around the world, companies and institutes fund competition in hopes of producing the newest technological advancements. Whether it is a way to make our lives easier or save the environment. Competitions like this are what drive our advancements.

For years, technology and car companies have worked together in California to lay the ground work for technology that seems strait out of a futuristic movie. As part of a contest, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) held a contest where individual technology companies could produce a robotic car. The purpose of this organization is to stay ahead of the game. DARPA was designed to ensure that the U.S stays ahead of foreign competitors in various technology fields. They specialize in not only robotics but also lasers, sensors, networks and many other technologies.

The competition and rules are simple. It is a race between unmanned cars produced by companies from all around the world. The race was set in an old air force base in California. No one knows the course and so that the technology is designed specifically so that GPS points can be programmed at the last minute. Everyone will run the course on their by themselves will not only have bragging rights but they will also win a two-million dollar prize. This competition has been held three times since 2004 and 2007 was the first time it was held in California

The winner of the urban challenge was Boss. While this competition was not held by the state of California, it is only one of many that are held through this massive state. In 2005, the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMD) held a technology competition to invent a product that is made of tire waste materials. Incentives include help with marketing this product and offer them a showcase at California's state fair.

Another competition that is held annually in Southern California is the Information Technology Competition (ITC). The way this competition is held is a little different than the other two. Instead of focusing on one subject, this competition draws in technology innovators in four fields, which are telecommunications, security and forensics, business systems analysis and web applications. All are highly competitive and offer awards to the top three. Another difference is that this competition is not between competing groups that have been established but rather between college students. This allows motivated students to get their names out to industries.

It all starts with an idea. For DARPA, they seek the ability to control military vehicles unmanned and reduce their casualties. The CIWMD has seen a growing problem with waste within their own community and seeks to reduce the waste of tires. The ITC was created to make numerous aspects of the professional world more efficient. By offering incentives for companies, groups and motivated individuals, California has become a region of friendly productive competition in the technological world.

Article Source:

Samson Paulotti reports on issues affecting homeowners for The Restoration Resource California and Cleaning & Restoration Information

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