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Birth Injury Lawyers to Bring Suit Against GlaxoSmithKline

The most devastating instances occur when a birth injury occurs ending in a fatal state for the newborn baby. Events such as these have the ability to rip your heart out leaving you with nothing inside but questions and doubts. If this heart-wrenching event has occurred to you or a loved one you are probably wondering if you did anything wrong to cause this type of event to happen. Mothers across the continent are wondering if there was anything they could have done to stop this from happening. When a newborn child dies it is usually birthing complications that the death is attributed to. But if you have recently suffered through a birthing complication that has left you and your family with unanswered questions you might want to question the type of prescription drugs that were taken.

The drug Paxil, manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline was released onto the market in 1992 to help those suffering from depression. This antidepressant was developed and put on the market directly targeting Teenagers and Women. Paxil was at the top of its game in 2006, with millions of people using the drug for treatment of Depression. However in 2006, a warning label was issued for Paxil that Woman who were pregnant should not be taking the drug for birthing complications may occur. The most common type of birthing complications was heart, respiratory, lung, and spinal cord injures to the new born. So what does that mean for Women who have taken the drug from 1992 to 2006 that may have experienced birthing defects that caused their child to incur disabilities or even worse, death? These women are encouraged to contact birth injury lawyers that will be able to access each situation on an individual basis and determine what steps to take next.

The effects from taking Paxil have been tremendous causing thousands of birth complications to occur every year for the fourteen years that no warning was administered. GlaxoSmithKline has issued a warning, but it comes too late for there have been devastating circumstances arising from the failure to warn pregnant women about the ill effects of Paxil. GlaxoSmithKline must now take responsibility for their actions and help those who have suffered from taking the drug. Paxil remains on the market but with a warning label to ensure that no women who are pregnant or might get pregnant in the future take Paxil. However, for those who didn�t know about the ill effects are left behind.

If you or a loved one has experienced birthing complications from taking Paxil, contact a birth injury lawyer as soon as possible. For birth injury lawyers have the experience and qualifications to stand up against to large pharmaceutical companies that may intimidate others. Birth injury lawyers are able to take your case on a contingency basis so that there are no limitations to you filing a birth injury lawsuit. Don�t let GlaxoSmithKline�s inconsistencies cause you and your family any more pain. Contact a birth injury lawyer today and gain justice from those who have wronged you.

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Paul Justice gives advice to clients who are looking for attorneys to handle personal injury related cases such as Birth injury and birth defects.To know more about Birth defect attorneys New York, Pennsylvania birth injury lawyer and birth injury lawyers visit

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