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Trasylol Lawyers Take a Stance on Pharmaceutical Drug Companies

For as long as large pharmaceutical drug companies have been around illegal kickbacks have been awarded to serve as an incentive for doctors to use specific drugs. These kickbacks have attributed to numerous cases where a patient has suffered due to their doctor recommending a drug that they received a kickback for. Now more than ever doctors are accepting many different kinds of kickbacks because the price of medical malpractice insurance is so high. They are taking an intrinsic risk when committing this type of behavior because they are more likely to commit an act of medical malpractice while recommending products that might not be in the best interest for their patients.

One specific type of example involves the drug Trasylol, manufactured by Bayer Pharmaceuticals. However the fault is not on the doctors in this case for they were not aware of the negative side effects associated with the drug. The problem lies with Bayer pharmaceuticals and the unethical behavior they committed when not making public their findings that Trasylol is directly linked to cause kidney failure.

Trasylol was once Bayer�s all start drug being the leading drug used in open-heart surgeries, including all types of bypasses. Trasylol is used during these open-heart surgeries to control the amount of bleeding during surgery so that the doctor can adequately perform the surgery without interruption. Trasylol was on the market for over 15 years before any type of negative side effects was associated with the drug. In 2005, Bayer pharmaceuticals conducted their own study, which proved to show that Trasylol is directly liked with causing kidney failure.

However, Bayer decided not to release these results and kept this very important information to themselves. Finally in 2007 a private study was conducted that made public the true effects that Trasylol has on kidneys. From the time that Bayer did their study to the time that Trasylol was finally recalled from the market, 20,000 died per month. This staggering figure is why Trasylol lawyers are urging patients who have suffered from Trasylol to come forward. Trasylol lawyers are trying to spread awareness on the topic because many people who had heart surgery had no idea that they were given Trasylol. Therefore they had no idea why they all of a sudden started to have problems with their kidneys.

If you or a loved one has been affected by the drug, contact a Trasylol lawyer as soon as possible. A Trasylol lawyer will be able to assess your case and determine what the best course of action would be tailored to your specifications. Bayer�s shady and unethical behaviors have warranted many cases to be tried in the court of law and have succeeded. High medical costs, loss of wages, and pain and suffering are the types of compensation that are typical in a Trasylol case. Trasylol lawyers have the experience and knowledge in dealing with these types and are able to do everything in their power to make right was what wronged to you.

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Paul Justice gives advice to clients who are looking for attorneys to handle personal injury related cases such as kidney failure.To know more about Trasylol legal case, trasylol drug recall, Trasylol lawyers, heart bypass and kidney failure visit

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