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Does Blackberry Have a Chance to Beat Apple?

Verizon is about to release the Blackberry Storm and so far the reviews are mixed. For those that don't know the iPhone is one of the most popular smart phones on the planet and for good reason. It has revolutionized the way people use a cell phone. First off it's a phone, it's sends emails, you can browse the web, listen to music, take pictures and video, it's basically a little computer with a phone attached to it.

Before we get into the new Blackberry Storm let's talk about why the iPhone is so popular. Past all of the features mentioned above Apple has the ability to make things look really sexy. I have had an iPod for 5 years and during that time have owned other units including a Sandisk Mp3 player. Personally the Sandisk was cheaper, easier to use and much more robust. It was however extremely ugly, it was utilitarian definitely not sexy like the iPod. I am not one of those guys that really cares about this sort of stuff as I am a function over style guy, I am also a minority when it comes to this and Apple is smart enough to realize this.

Now let's get back to the Blackberry Storm, like the iPhone it has a full screen touch pad, it takes pictures, you can browse the web, it has an operating system that is similar to the iPhone in its abilities and is a great media player. The big difference at least the obvious big difference is the that the Storm has a click able touch screen. Every time you click on the screen it feels like you have clicked on a normal button. This makes typing much easier and I you have ever tried typing on a iPhone you'll know what I am talking about, it's a pain in the butt.

After reading through many tech sites and their incredibly detailed reviews here is what most of them are saying. The Storm's click able screen works well but isn't exactly like using the old blackberry qwerty keyboard. The Storm is in the end a Blackberry so it comes with the world's best email system, it's so fast it usually hits your phone before it will show up in your Outlook inbox. The camera on the Storm is also superior to the iPhone and the media site of the Storm is very good.

Were the Apple wins is in its browsing capabilities, the fact that is has built in Wi-fi and well the fact that's it's a little more polished than the Storm. The interesting part here is will Blackberry be able to take some business from Apple. Blackberry has since day one been in the business market and has done very well, the Storm while more geared towards the average consumer is still designed with a business user in mind.

It will be interesting to see how things play out the other issue that Blackberry has right now is the economy. While the major stock markets of the world continue to have a negative impact on the rest of us and as unemployment lines grow will consumers really be looking to purchase a $500 phone this year?

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This article was written by Shawn Wilson, a member of the customer support team at Datepad, where internet dating is always free. Datepad has a massive directory of informative dating articles along with a great list of dating site reviews on their dating blog.

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