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Used Cell Phones Taking Flight

I just got up today. The morning is really refreshing and really great. Today I would finally start working in my dream company. Finally, after some time of wandering and hoping, I would be working.

It is not all great things though; working for this company is also a matter of sacrifice for me. Since this company's office is located in another state, I would have to leave my hometown. That means I would have to be on my own. I was never on my own ever before.

In fact, I am a very clingy person. I would always want to be with my parents and friends so this moving into another state is a very brave move for me. As a part of growing up, I know I have to be very brave to do this. And well, beginning today, I would really be brave enough because I am finally out on my own. Finally, I would be working for this company I have always dreamed of working since I was a kid. Finally, I would put into use whatever knowledge and skills I have learned when I was in school.

Being apart from my parents, siblings and friends would be definitely difficult but there is always the cell phone to do the magic for me.

Before I left our hometown, my parents and I bought used cell phones. The used cell phones were sold rather cheaply in the shop in town center. I and my parents were never really into these phones because we are the old school type of people. Since I was moving out, my parents thought it would be best for us to buy even used cell phones because I could not have my own telephone readily.

These phones are good enough for us to at least never lose contact while I am still trying to familiarize my self with the new environment. I cannot help but smile when I remember my parents reaction when they first used the used cell phones we bought. They were really like children who were so fond of the new toy. As you can imagine, my parents are both in their sixties and we are also living in a much laid back town so these phones are really considered new to the sight. But I must admit these phones are really nice toys.

When I left, my parents called me up as soon as I landed here in San Francisco, of course! Yes, the used cell phones are really useful. Who would have thought, my mom would be an expert texter? Yes, definitely she got hooked into using it so much she texts me almost every now and then to check if I am doing well.

As I passed by a store yesterday, I saw that they sell recent models of used cell phones. I am thinking about buying these phones and send them to my parents. Maybe that would be great and maybe that would be really nice. Well, maybe I would have to wait until my first pay check comes and I could buy them used cell phones again.

Article Source:

Matthew Stanton writes an article about Used Cell Phones which will provide communication to anyone through cell phones wherever you may be. Simply visit this website at Used Cell Phones

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