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Are You Sponsoring The Right People Into Your Network Marketing Business?

It is absolutely crucial to the success of your Network Marketing Business to target and sponsor serious motivated people who are ready, willing and able to build their business. This allows you to build a team with layers of leadership that will no doubt lead to long-term walk away residual income.

On the other hand, when you sponsor people who are not right for this industry, it only leads to an unproductive team of people who drain your energy and slow down the growth of your business.

So... the question is, how do we find those qualified motivated people?

The first step is to learn to interview instead of sell. When you start interviewing your candidates you are showing them that you are not looking for just anyone, and they need to qualify. Instead of trying to sell them on your business, give them a series of homework assignments that get them all of the information, and at the same time will allow you to see just how serious they really are.

The people who are willing to do what it takes to be successful will do their homework and appreciate the fact that you are not trying to sell or pitch them on your business. The people who are not right for your business won't do their homework, and will simply disqualify themselves. When that happens, that's a great thing because you don't have to spend a lot of time with the wrong people, and each time someone disqualifies them self it brings you one step closer to finding more of the right people.

When can you be sure you have the right person?

When you do have the right person, you will know it. They will be very responsive to reviewing your information, will look forward to their follow-up appointments and ask in depth intelligent questions. They will be very excited about getting started, and absolutely no selling or persuading will need to be done on your part.

In most cases the right people will take some of the following actions:

Automatically enroll in your business without talking with you first
Review your website thoroughly and have a good understanding of what your business is all about
Call or e-mail you with questions
Return your phone calls right away
Keep all of their appointments
Be very enthusiastic on the phone
Take steps on their own to get more information before contacting you

When can you be sure that you don't have the right person?

Very simply... when they eliminate themselves.

Here are some ways people demonstrate they're not the right person and ultimately eliminate themselves:

They don't call you back

They don't respond to your e-mails

They don't follow instructions

They don't do their homework

They're unresponsive on the phone, no enthusiasm; it's almost like pulling teeth when talking with them

They don't pay attention; they're just going through the motions

They don't ask relevant questions

They don't keep their appointments without calling ahead of time

They demonstrate that they're not willing to put the time in to do their due diligence

They simply tell you that they aren't interested

When people disqualify them self just realize that it is a great thing, and move on. Sometimes it is about timing, so if you have an automated e-mail follow-up system, it is a good idea to stay in contact by e-mail until the timing may be better.

When people demonstrate that they are serious, motivated and ready to get started, those are the people that you want to sponsor into your business. They will be productive, a pleasure to work with and in most cases will help your business flourish for years to come!

Article Source:

Howie Arzt spent 13 years of his career as a Music Teacher and moved on when after 13 years of teaching he realized he was making less money than when he started. He got involved in his Network Marketing Business and never looked back. Now he spends his time between his boat on the lake and working full time from his home in Northern Vermont. Check out his Network Marketing Business and Blueprint for Your Success at � 2009 - Howie Arzt - All Rights Reserved. This article may be distributed and published freely as long as the resour

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