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Easy Improvement Tips to Make a New Catalog

So the new year is upon us. It is time to update your business with a new catalog. For some people they just use their old design for a print catalog. The old catalog printing design worked this year so it will work next year right? No, this is wrong. To be competitive in a business it is a good practice to always update and be dynamic, even when catalog printing. So sit back and read up on some easy improvement tips you can add to your old catalog design. This should give you a fresh new catalog for people to see by the new year.

1. Use the cover design to direct your readers to the products they want fast. Some catalogs have a table of contents after the cover. The popular way nowadays is to direct the reader from the cover itself. Do this by answering their questions outright from the cover itself. Place in a question like �what's the newest digital gadget this year?� or �Looking for some trendy and affordable clothes?� Afterwords, follow it up with the appropriate page number in a catalog. All this should be in the cover. Using this tactic makes people pickup a catalog right off the bat. Since they see that their questions may get answered.

2. Be instructional and not just display prices. One of the best catalogs today offer articles and easy to understand tips on using the products in the catalogs. For cameras for example, a small digital photography tutorial can really help customers buy the right kind of camera for them. For computer catalogs the relevant specifications of each unit compared with other units are a good compliment to the catalog listings themselves. For example you can compare the prices of several different models with their performance in terms of speed and storage capacity. People will appreciate this extra information and read on to other parts of your catalog.

3. Add testimonials to your catalog. If you haven't done this already you should place it now. Testimonials are a way for people to be assured about the integrity of your products. If you can use a popular personality in your town, city or state. Of course if you can afford celebrity endorsements that's the way to go as well.

4. Have a section for �affordable� or �low cost� items. Some people make the mistake in showing all the best products on the front cover. Yes, they are the best, they are also the most expensive. So if you are going to improve your color catalog, reserve a corner of the cover and a section of pages all devoted to the �best affordable� products you have. This makes the catalog appeal to a mass audience as well as your high end customers.

5. Use a different theme for each new catalog printing. Don't just rehash old catalog ideas. Always change the layout of you catalog, especially if it is the new year. For full color catalog printing, use different color schemes for the different major sections of your catalog. Ask your catalog printing company about the popular designs that are being printed now for reference. Always think of a fresh new design so that people always think that you are updated and have new products.

Those are a few simple ways of how to improve your old catalog. Don't be afraid of change. Always try and update your business and your color catalogs. Re-invention is always good for business.

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For more information, you can visit this page on catalog printing

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